West of Edinburgh is the headoffice located for the Royal Bank of Scotland. The site called Gogarburn has its roots in the agricultural industry and is now the location for one of the worlds biggest companies in the financial sector. The place was initially designed for 3200 office workers but is now in the process of totally changing their interior design and space planning methods to fit in 6000 people in the near future. On tour in the RBS Gogarburn building!Interior design Edinburgh The concept was that of a business community with offices, restaurant, shops, leisure facilities, nursery and a training/conference centre. The main building at Gogarburn therefore has a clear social/community focus and circulation pattern. Many villages and small town would be jealous about the central ‘main street’ in the building with shops, trees and sitting area’s. Also the landscaped gardens, ample parking spaces, public transport links and ultra high speed internet are second to none. Here at Amos Beech we were delighted with the opportunity to visit the site on invitation from RBS’s interior design team. The RBS team an our own interior design team met at the Clerkenwell design week earlier this year. Interior design and space planning To house a potential of over 6000 people, a thourough process of rethinking, restructuring and redesigning of the working environment is needed, something the interior design team at Amos Beech team is also doing for their clients:
Amos Beech Interior Design Edinburgh went on a tour through the impressive Gogaburn site to learn, to be inspired and to network. We we very much interested to see how their new space plan of flexible working looked like. We saw technology equipped meeting areas throughout the building that are used to encourage collaboration with other business partners around the world as well as being an area where colleagues can “meet, focus, huddle, present or chat” depending on the project in hand. To see the images we took and to read the actual article about this site, please follow the link below.
https://www.amosbeech.com/blog/2016/09/interior-design-edinburgh-gogarburn |